As the name suggests, it is a worm that is highly dangerous. It was first seen in the april of 2009 and is transferred from one computer to another through USB devices or through weak networks. The file SVCHOST.EXE that we see running in the task manager is basically a Generic host process that is associated with dynamically linked library files (DLLs). As soon as the worm hits the computer, it directly affects this process and registers several DLLs with weird names. After the worm launches itself, it creates a DLL in the Program files folder, WINDOWS/System and the temporary files folder. It edits several registry keys such that it can spread all through the network used by the Administrator. It also deletes the System Restore points, disables the System Restore option and the Windows firewall. It doesn't allow the user to connect to any of the antivirus sites or doesn't even allow the Administrator to scan the system online. The worm is highly dangerous and can only be removed by restoring the system to its previous state i.e by running system restore ( enabling System restore ).
LClick here to know how to remove this worm
LClick here to know how to remove this worm