
Bitdefender: Win32.Ramnit.G

Sounds like one of those Windows processes, doesn't it? It was given this name just to make you think that way. The worm/virus, svchost.exe is a malicious code written in the Visual Basic script and then generally embedded into a Html file. When a user visits websites consisting of dangerous content, he/she should be careful enough not to bump into one of these. To do that, the user must be sure that he has a good antivirus that can protect him. The worm gets directly downloaded to the temporary folder and executes a process from there. This worm might not be much dangerous but is capable of eating up your memory usage which would finally result in the slowing down of the target's computer. It may do more than a little damage to the system apart from modifying the registry. Hence, it should be removed as soon as possible to avoid such problems.

Manual instructions to remove svchost.exe:

  1. Before you read or follow any of these instructions, make sure that this process is launching from the temporary folder of your computer. If not, these are not the removal instructions you need to follow. Also see Svchosts.exe and Scvhost.exe.
  2. Restart the computer in the Safe Mode. It is always easy to remove any virus when it doesn't get a chance and it cannot get a chance to launch when the system is running in the Safe Mode. 
  3. The virus probably hides itself in the temporary folder so that it doesn't get seen by the user when he opens it. For this, go to the Start --> Run and type "cmd" to open the Command Prompt. 
  4. If you're familiar with the cmd, delete the file svchost.exe with the del command. If not, type the commands given below:

    • cd %temp%
    • attrib -r -a -s -h svchost.exe
    • del svchost.exe
  5. After removing the file, open the MS configuration tool by typing msconfig in the Start --> Run. Tab to Startup and uncheck the box pointing to %temp%\svchost.exe. The file had already been deleted but when Windows starts up, it gives you an error stating that this file wasn't found. Hence, unchecking the box would prevent the error message.
  6. Wasn't that easy? You have successfully deleted the virus from your system.

Posts that might help you here:
Enabling Safe Mode booting, Enabling the Registry , Enable Hidden files and folders option and Enabling the Command Prompt.
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