VRM2008.exe Removal (Fake Virus Remover)
Quick Heal: FraudTool.VirusRemover.r
When your computer is infected by a virus, you'd search for an antivirus on the internet. Now when you're unable to get the access to these antivirus sites, you'll go searching for removal tools that are available for that particular virus. While your search you might come across such tools which promise you the virus removal along with many extra features such as Firewall, scanning, etc. This is such a tool which generates the impression that it deletes virus from a system but actually turns out to be a virus itself. Fraudtools are very much popular these days and not many people believe that any antivirus that ensures the system safety. Though this one is quite old, it is still creating a mess on the internet. In most cases, this tool is manually downloaded and installed by the user himself. These images belong to this tool which is not much harmful but troubles you a lot.
Virus Remover does a fake scan of the system and displays a message saying that the computer is infected with viruses. Now when the user tries to quarantine or delte the virus, he is prompted to pay for the product. Hence it can be possible that when the user tries to buy the product, it steals the credit card information as it is programed to do so. If modified further, the virus could get even more dangerous. Hence it should be removed as soon as possible to avoid any risk to the system. Here are its removal instructions.
Manual instructions to remove VRM2008.exe:
- First, reboot your computer in the Safe Mode.
- Like always, let us start removing the virus from the registry. To do so, go to run and type "regedit".
- Navigate to the following entries and delete them
VirusRemover2008 - Now go to run and type "msconfig". When the System configuration opens, navigate to the startup tab and uncheck "VRM2008.exe".
- Now its time to remove the virus permanently from your hard disk. Remove the folders "%ProgramFiles%\VirusRemover2008" and "%DocumentsandSettings%\AllUsers\StartMenu\Programs\VirusRemover2008".
- In order to remove it from quicklaunch, delete this file --> "%Userprofile%\ApplicationData\Microsoft\InternetExplorer\QuickLaunch\VirusRemover2008.lnk"
- Now you're free from this virus. Remember not to download such tools from unknown sites which you cannot trust.
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Enabling Safe Mode booting, enabling the Registry, Enable Windows Task manager , Enable Hidden files and folders option and enabling the Command Prompt.