Trojan.Clicker.CM Removal


Discovered in March 2007, this Trojan has been hitting the top charts of June 2009. It is identified as the worst virus of June 2009 by Bit Defender which is one of the biggest Trojan-killing companies ever. The Trojan is a JavaScript that displays several ads which pop-up every 10 minutes and irritate the user. The Trojan is said to be capable of even bypassing the clutches of Norton Internet Security Pop-up Blockers. This virus resides in the temporary Internet files folder as per the research made until now. It also pings to several sites and may download some more Malicious js. Though the damage caused is very low, the Trojan is still a very bugging one. Here, I'm providing the removal instructions to this Trojan. But just before this, let me tell you that these instructions may work only if the Trojan has just been executed. If the Trojan already downloaded several other Malicious threats, it may become difficult to get rid of it.

Manual instructions to remove Trojan.Clicker.CM:

  1. First, disable the System Restore option(click here to know how to do this).
  2. Booting the computer in Safe Mode is always recommended for any Trojan of such kind. This way, the Internet cannot be accessed and hence the virus would be suspended till sometime.
  3. Now, open the Internet Explorer and delete the cache and the Temporary Internet files from the Internet options in the Tools menu.
  4. If that was not possible, close the Internet Explorer and Navigate to the following directory

    C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files

    and delete all the Content in that folder(including all files and folders).
  5. Congratulations! you just got rid of Trojan.Clicker.CM.
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